Wednesday, May 4, 2011


At $30 million for an entire film, there was nothing limitless about the budget for Limitless. LOOK's VFX Supervisor Daniel Schrecker, 3D Artist and Generalist Shawn Lipowski, and compositor Daniel Molina had to use their entire brains to portray how lead character Eddie Morra used his.
 Burger felt using the visuals of an infinite zoom would help show how Eddie's character would process information at an accelerated speed. Based on references like the White Stripe videos for Seven Nation Army, he envisioned a fractal type image that never lost resolution.

To accomplish this, VFX Supervisor Schrecker worked with the cameraman and came up with a rig using three Red cameras with different lenses. Shot at 4K instead of the usual 2K, using a tripod and starting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and traveling across town to Harlem, "we shot the same thing, wider, tighter, tightest and embedded those in each other so you had an image where you could zoom into the center and the resolution didn't fall apart because you were going into the next lens."

to read more :

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